(Yes, do it! No blood is processed, if it's not in baby it's down the lab drain!) I have been a long time supporter of Delayed cord clamping dating back to the days you had to fight for it. It didn't really have a name, but you knew what you knew and you looked like a looney toon to most other professionals. It had a lot of push back from medical birth teams and was seen as a bit of a "WooWoo hippy" or "troublemaker" thing. In my professional opinion, it is always best to delay clamping, even when; especially when; baby is in distress at birth. The cord is suppling your baby with oxygen until it ceases to pulsate, so cutting the cord "because" baby is having trouble, is counter productive, severing them from the perfectly balanced, complete and complex life support, lets not forget that it has not failed your baby one single time yet, so why would you remove that?!. Your baby has a much better chance overall if the cord is left intact, even for resuscitation! You can ask for this in your birth plan, hell you can insist this, so be sure it is clear that everyone comprehends this before you birth, so they don't clamp and cut it in the heat of the moment or an emergency, should one arise. Discuss your wishes very calmly and clearly so your team can then be prepared to help your baby, if needed, attached to you, beside you, where you can touch and talk to them. It most defiantly is possible, I've seen it done many times, I have advocated for it and I have witnessed some miraculous moments, some inspiring professionals and some down right ridiculous bad behaviour by medical professionals. They will often say no, and they may give you a hard time and a wad of statistics (which you should always reverse!), just remember this is your baby and your decision (so do some reading, don't just listen to me). If you choose for baby to stay connected to their own life support, uninterrupted, for as long as you choose, to give your baby time to adjust to arrival in a calm safe manner; then add all that you choose to your birth plan and insist on it! You might choose just a few extra minutes and then go with what the hospital recommendations are, or to stay connected with minimal external intervention for a set time, have it all written down and discussed ahead of time. This particular blood is unique to this exact time of life, it is very rich and viscous, for the first time baby uses all of his systems, senses and reflexes etc, it is all hand in hand with the initial start up of the human body, like an engine, you need a special fluid to run through first for optimum performance for life! While you're in a reading mood, go ahead and seek the links between "Vit K and immediate clamping of the cord". I'll give you a hint; delaying the clamping of the cord can cover many of the things that they give our babies, such as artificial Vit K. As for encapsulation....this unique, nutrient rich, stem cell rich blood, is not going to give my lab drains and waste bins anywhere near the benefits that it will give your baby! No blood is used in the processing of any of the services offered. (There is plenty of maternal blood for beautiful prints even with a full transfer to baby of their blood.)
How many capsules?
Placentas come in many sizes, shapes and thicknesses, It is impossible to know how many capsules one will reap. Although after 16 years and over 2500 placentas, Sam is a pretty accurate estimator. Under the Birch Tree uses size 0 capsules and the average sized placenta reaps around 130 -150 capsules. The size of the placenta is the determining factor, usually 1/6th the size of your baby. More placenta, more capsules. When your placenta is weighed before processing, it is in the state it comes to the lab in, with fluids, cord and membranes, so the weight given is not the wet weight of the tissue used to make the capsules, just an insight as to how much placenta weight you were carrying with baby. There can be large differences in placenta size, however Sam believes our body naturally gives us what we personally need for each baby and postnatal experience.
What if I have a special request?
What if I have a special request? If you have any special requests for products or art please don't hesitate to ask, there is nothing too silly on this topic, believe me we have heard all the strange ones, and would love to hear some more! We try our best to accommodate our families requests within health and safety guidelines.
Third Stage - delivering the placenta?
It is ideal to have a natural third stage delivery of the placenta for many reasons, however, it is not necessary for consuming your placenta. If you can avoid a medical third stage, that's great, but if not it is still totally ok!
What if baby needs resuscitation after birth?
I strongly advise looking into Delayed Cord Clamping! (see above) Every baby needs this special blood, especially if your baby is having some issues or is a little slower transitioning to the outside world after birth. I have witnessed both many times and the babe with cord intact has always had a smoother arrival, not all perfect mind you, but a clear difference is noted. Don't listen to me, just know it is one of the important ones to learn about. Read this article to put it into perspective. (Article here)
Can I have a Water Birth and still use my placenta?
Water Births are not contradictions to Placenta Encapsulation. Under the Birch Tree does recommend that if possible, please birth the placenta out of the birth pool. If not, please have your midwife remove the placenta from the water as soon as it is birthed to avoid any possible contamination issues. A bowl will float nicely beside you both.
if I have a Caesarean birth, can I use my placenta?
Placenta is ideal for those who have a C/S birth as the capsules can really aid your internal healing and may help with some of the side effects of surgery. note: You will need your midwife to follow our guide lines regarding times and storage. Some hospitals won't allow your container into theatre, so have them take in your named bags and put it into your container when you get to recovery. Your partner should take your placenta back to your room fridge or cooler as soon as possible.
Home Birth?
When birthing at home, Under the Birch Tree's service is even easier. Have your placenta storage bags and container ready and the Care document printed out for whom ever packs it up for you. Once labour begins send a text to Sam if possible, when baby and your placenta have arrived have your placenta placed directly into the storage bags and container and into the fridge. You are then free to text when you are ready for collection with in 24 hrs of the birth, let me know a time frame that suits you or that you are ready anytime. There is no rush, enjoy the Magic!
Public Hospital Birth?
When birthing at a Public Hospital, it is important to remember to keep your placenta with you in your room fridge (rare) or in your cooler bag with plenty of ice until collection. Please note that issues sometimes arise and most often you will not be able to use a fridge, you must have a cooler bag ready and ask for a large bag of ice. Please also note that very occasionally the ice machines are out of order and Ice will not be available, taking frozen ice bricks with you and having them stored in the hospital freezer in a named ziplock bag can be a safe way to go. Having ice supplied to you can sometimes be an issue at the hospitals and you may need to have someone bring you ice or take the placenta home to a fridge in these circumstances. If you birth at night, your placenta will be collected first thing in the morning, usually around 8-9am, so you must ensure you have a plan ready for over night cold storage. Collection hours are 8am - 5pm year round unless advised.
Birth Centre?
When birthing at the Birth Centre it is important to give as much notice as possible to ensure collection is possible before you leave the hospital. If you birth at night and are heading home before morning you will take your placenta with you in a cooler bag with plenty of ice. Place it in the fridge when you arrive home and text in the morning to arrange collection. Please be aware that your travel fee may be amended for collection and delivery to your home address.
Private Hospital Birth?
Birthing in a Private hospital allows you to have your placenta stored in their dedicated Placenta Fridge in the labour ward. It is vital you have your storage container with label attached and completed to avoid mix ups or your placenta being disposed of. You may also use the fridge in your room to store it, if you prefer it close by, ask your Midwife what your options are. As you have a fridge to store safely, there is no rush for collection, text me a time frame you prefer (especially if you need sleep).
Can I Lotus Birth with Placentophagy?
Encapsulation with a lotus birth is very different and actually not a lotus birth at all. It is a "partial" lotus birth. There are very strict rules with doing this and there must be controlled conditions. There is to be NO salt or herbs to be put on the placenta, nothing actually, just in a bowl alone until it is time to go into the food safe bags. Request a guide from Sam with a brief run down on what's required.
Lotus birth, without encapsulation explained here. (Article Here)
I am pregnant again, can I take my left over placenta capsules?
Placenta capsules are NOT safe to take while pregnant due to the postpartum hormones that help to contract the uterus. This may increase the risk of miscarriage. Three to five days after baby is born, it is safe to start taking them as you did last time. It is wise to open one capsule up and check for things like mould, sticky or wet powder. It should be slightly organic smelling but not off smelling or offensive and dry. Most often they are perfectly fine kept on the shelf as directed, but you may also have stored them in the freezer. If yours are in the freezer, take your dose straight from there, frozen. In both cases, take one as a test and if you have no problems, like an upset stomach, continue at a dose you feel is right for your current situation. If u have any issues when taking them, discontinue and discard. Sam is always available for guidance and advice!
I would like to bury some of my placenta?
Under the Birch Tree offers all clients an Earth Pack at no charge. It contains the waste tissue, membranes, and cord (or what every you request), wrapped in baking paper in an energy power pyramid shape and frozen. It is then wrapped in tissue paper and into a raw cardboard tube ready for burial. Alternatively, you can have small vile of the above dried into powder to sprinkle into the earth. Remember, if your Earth Pack is frozen, delivery may need to be to your home, or you could arrange to collect your package from Nerang.